italians do it better

30 June, 2014

Italian field archery coach Giorgio Botto explains how he likes to approach the whole world of archery on his Facebook page. What a guy. Enjoy:

“Some days ago I was asked to explain how I manage to do EVERYTHING in Archery.

“Target archery is both the main course and the meat. Nothing is better and more complete. It may be like tajarin, pici, tortellini or orecchiette.

And meat? Shall we talk about meat? It can be stewed, grilled or broiled. Let’s dig in! ( the Italian idiomatic expression means “I wish my stomach gets as big as a house”).

We could greatly live eating just pasta and meat! But… I like ice-cream too!

Ice-cream is like field archery. It is a healthy food, it contains eggs, milk, fruit and CHOCOLATE! How delicious! One may eat only ice-creams. However pasta and meat are needed as well.

Then, if people from the target archery world deny the existence of ice-cream or even say ice-cream is bad for your health, it’s their own business! Such sad opinions. Personally, in the summer I eat a ton of ice-cream…

And then? Health fanatics insist on saying we should drink only natural water, from springs at least a thousand meters above sea level. Others claim their preference on what’s good and what’s wrong according to the latest craze in the US (“Only Coke for me!”).

Some others are used to altering their emotional status, swallowing hundreds and hundreds of liters of RedBull and other junk energy drinks.

I like red wine instead. Red wine is like 3D archery.

Nice, fresh, makes you happy and offers intense moments to take your mind off things.  One may not live only drinking red wine. Those who do so soon begin to talk gibberish and may not live long. However, I don’t find anything better in life than sharing half a bottle of red wine with some friends.

So I know, it is obvious, but my archery life is a full menu: a big plate of pasta, fresh-cooked meat, some ice-cream and red wine. I may not live a hundred years, but as long as it lasts… it was worth living it!”

(this translation has been handed down to me… other interpretations are welcome!) 

Alcuni giorni fa mi han chiesto come, nell’arco, riuscissi a fare “tutto”.
Forse, complice l’ora, ma mi venne spontanea la seguente metafora:
Il targa è il primo e la carne. Non c’è niente di meglio e più completo. Che poi siano tajarin, pici, tortellini o orecchiette. La pasta è tutta buona.
E la carne ? vogliamo discutere sulla carne? Brasato, stinco, fiorentine ….. Stomaco mio fatti capanna ! Si vive di pasta e carne, e …. alla grande.
Però ….. a me piace anche il gelato !
Il gelato è il campagna. Il gelato è alimento sano, ci sono le uova, il latte la frutta e il CIOCCOLATO !!!!
BONO !!!
Si potrebbe vivere di solo gelato, ma ….. la pasta è la carne ci vogliono.
Poi, che il mondo targa neghi l’esistenza del gelato o addirittura dica che fa male, affari loro. Opinioni tristi.
Io d’estate di gelato ne mangio a volontà.

E poi ??? I salutisti, insistono con il dire che si deve solo bere acqua naturale di fonte sopra i 1000 m s.l.m. . Altri, coloro che decidono cosa sia giusto o sbagliato in funzione di cosa è moda negli States dichiarano: “ Only Coke for me!”. Alcuni poi, son soliti alterare il normale stato emotivo ingollando ettolitri di redbull o robacce similari.

A me piace il vino rosso.
Il vino rosso è il 3D.
Bello, fresco, mette allegria e regala intensi momenti di svago.
Non si vive di solo vino rosso, chi lo fa dopo poco straparla e non vive a lungo. Ma io una mezza bottiglia di rosso, in compagnia, la trovo quanto di meglio possa offrire la vita.

Quindi, lo so, si vede, ma … una bella cofana di pasta, carne fatta per il giusto, gelato e vino rosso è la vita mia
….. so che non camperò 100 anni ma finchè dura….. valeva la pena vivere!

(Thanks to Chris Wells, Matteo Pisani and Rebecca Rabozzi)

One comment on “italians do it better

  1. thatgirlkestrel

    Reblogged this on The Archer is a Girl and commented:
    Because limiting one’s self to only ice cream and red wine is bad, but eating ice cream and red wine as part of a complete meal is a good thing! Archery is the meal. Target, field, barebow, compound, Olympic recurve, 3D, hunting are all different components to make up a good meal. Eat a varied diet full of lots of different colors, and one will be a healthy archer! Just like eating a varied diet full of lots of different colors makes one a healthy person.


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