Radio piece on Woman’s Hour this morning on BBC Radio 4 (the national talk station) about women taking up archery; they interview Maggie Woolf and several novice archers from Aquarius Archers in London. Some cool stuff – although they get docked points for the ‘bullseye’ reference and the hey-nonny-nonny music.
In my club (also in London) we sometimes refer to Aquarius as “across the way” – although it’s lucky Radio 4 didn’t ask any of our ladies whether they “fantasise that you are Jennifer Lawrence in the Hunger Games running around in the woods”, because they might have got a slightly different answer. 😉 The piece also features Dani Brown talking about how and why she shoots. Compared to the average portrayal of archery for non-specialists in the media these days, it’s pretty damn good.
Thank you for sharing!