Tag Archives: hype

Oh: “I will accomplish all your goals.”

19 January, 2016


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The Korean sports press have started the Rio hype early, and have been pulling in all their best prospects for a quote – however reluctant. Here’s what Oh Jin-Hyek had to say:

“So… erm…the last 4 years flew by quickly since London.”

Q. What’s the goal for Rio 2016?

“All athletes, myself included, are facing the most important tournament this year. We will prepare strongly and hope to accomplish all the goals for Korea.”

Q. What’s your strategy for the Olympics?

“The rules have changed this time round and there is an introduction of sets in the group competitions.

So, we need to focus on finishing matches in the fastest time possible. There is also the possibility of further rule changes after Rio, so it might be the last chance to achieve our goal.”

Q. What’s your personal goal for Rio?

“Well, the end of my professional career is always on the back of my mind, and perhaps I would like to end it sooner rather than later.  Whatever I decide, I would like to save the best possible result till the end.”

Q. Can you give everyone a message for the New Year and your resolution for the Olympics?

“Hello, I’m Oh Jin-Hyuk , a professional archer. It is the year for the Rio Olympics 2016. This summer, the national team including myself will compete to the highest standard and we look forward to your support!”